Chapter 7 » 7.05


Meeting for Sufferings comprises the following:

  1. about seventy-two Friends, together with an alternate (7.06) for each, appointed by the Yearly Meeting on the nomination of area meetings (7.07), serving for triennial periods from Yearly Meetings 2012, 2015, etc., with service normally limited to six years (3.23);
  2. Friends appointed by the Yearly Meeting on the nom­ination of certain standing committees appointed by Meeting for Sufferings (7.08). Each committee nominates a representative and an alternate. The standing committees now operating are:
  • Quaker Life Central Committee (8.08)
  • Quaker Peace & Social Witness Central Committee (8.11)
  • Quaker Committee for Christian & Interfaith Relations (8.12, 9.13)
  • Quaker World Relations Committee (8.13, 9.06)
  1. one representative, and alternate, appointed by the Yearly Meeting on the nomination of Young Friends General Meeting (5.08), being officers or others able to speak in its name;
  2. one representative, and alternate, appointed by the Yearly Meeting on the nomination of (i) General Meeting for Scotland (5.03) and (ii) Crynwyr Cymru – Quakers in Wales (5.045.05), subject to review in due course;
  3. the clerk and assistant clerk of Meeting for Sufferings, the clerk of Yearly Meeting, the Yearly Meeting Treasurer, the clerk of the Britain Yearly Meeting Trustees, all other Britain Yearly Meeting Trustees, the clerk of the Central Nominations Committee;

with the Recording Clerk, the Deputy Recording Clerk, and all other members of Management Meeting (8.22), all ex officio.

Meeting for Sufferings, at the discretion of the clerk, is empowered to invite other Friends, committee members or staff members to participate for specific business or at a particular meeting.

In case of vacancy by death, release or resignation under a, b, c or d above, the nominating body may forward the name of a Friend to serve for the remainder of the triennial period to Meeting for Sufferings, which may make an interim appointment up to the next Yearly Meeting, which then can make an appointment to fill the vacancy.

← 7.04 7.06 →