Chapter 5 » 5.03
General Meeting for Scotland
General Meeting for Scotland has national responsibilities on behalf of Britain Yearly Meeting, to represent and advance the life and witness of Quakers in Scotland. It consists of all Friends in membership of the Scottish area meetings, and meets at least quarterly. Provision is made for members of other meetings and attenders to be present at meetings as in 4.08. The responsibilities of General Meeting for Scotland include:
- promoting spiritual life and witness, facilitating contact between Friends of all ages, and providing opportunities for training and mutual support for those with special responsibilities, in conjunction with the associated area meetings and Quaker bodies;
- representing Britain Yearly Meeting in Scotland, including: acting on behalf of Britain Yearly Meeting in relation to ACTS (Action of Churches Together in Scotland) (see 9.09–9.12) and other church and faith groups; acting on behalf of Britain Yearly Meeting and of Friends in Scotland in dealings with the Scottish Parliament, the Scottish Government and the Scotland Office, and on such procedures as may be required by the Scottish legal system;
- encouraging communication from Scottish area meetings on matters which in their judgement merit interchange of views (see 4.18), including testimonies to the life and service of deceased Friends, discerning whether the latter be forwarded to Yearly Meeting for the benefit of the Society as a whole (see 4.27–4.30);
- representing Scotland to Britain Yearly Meeting, liaising with yearly meeting committees and departments where appropriate.
General Meeting for Scotland will provide information and nominations or appointed representatives to Quaker and other bodies when required. The meeting may communicate by minute with Yearly Meeting through its agenda committee (6.18) and Meeting for Sufferings (7.04), as well as with area meetings in Scotland. It also has the obligation to receive minutes from these bodies.