Chapter 8 » 8.18
Governance and management of the centrally managed work
Britain Yearly Meeting Trustees
Constitution and purpose
Britain Yearly Meeting Trustees are responsible for the work, assets and property of the yearly meeting. The four standing committees appointed by Meeting for Sufferings (8.06) report to them.
Yearly Meeting also entrusts to Trustees the organisation and periodic revision of the structure of the standing committees which oversee particular areas of the centrally managed work. However, it reserves to itself decisions affecting the existence and basic functions of Trustees, and of Quaker Life Central Committee (8.08) and Quaker Peace & Social Witness Central Committee (8.11).
Trustees must report to Yearly Meeting any other changes in the structure of standing committees through which they work (7.03); in such cases, any amendments to our church government reflect decisions already taken, and it is for Yearly Meeting in session to decide whether the proposed textual changes to our book of discipline accurately describe the new structure.
Trustees may delegate any of their powers to a committee that includes two or more of their number. Trustee-appointed committees may cover, for example, areas of finance and property, employment, and audit.
Trustees are accountable to Yearly Meeting (chapter 6) and the charity regulators (chapters 14 & 15). Trustees and the standing committees may communicate by minute with Meeting for Sufferings and Yearly Meeting Agenda Committee, and with each other. Standing committees may also communicate with General Meeting for Scotland, Crynwyr Cymru – Quakers in Wales and area meetings on specific delegated matters; they should ensure that this is done in co-ordination with Trustees and other standing committees, liaising as required.