Chapter 15 » 15.02
The relationship between stewardship and trusteeship
As members of the Religious Society of Friends we are all called upon to exercise stewardship over the Society’s resources. This is stewardship in its widest sense: ensuring that money and buildings are used wisely and well; that business decisions are taken in right ordering; that all within a meeting, both its members and its employees, are supported and helped to play a full role in the Society’s affairs; that the meeting’s children are cared for and nurtured; that eldership and oversight flourish. We are all called to participate in building a responsible and caring community.
As with elders and overseers, clerks and treasurers, some will be asked to take on a special care for this stewardship for a number of years, acting as trustees of our meetings. They take this role for a period and then relinquish this service to others.