Chapter 11 » 11.22
Transferring membership
Change of address
Responsibilities of overseers
On receiving details from their clerk, overseers of the ‘old’ area meeting should immediately forward them to the clerk of the ‘new’ area meeting. Printed forms for these notices can be obtained from the Recording Clerk. Overseers of the ‘new’ area meeting will want to make timely contact with their new member or attender.
A notice should be sent even when a member or attender is moving some distance from any meeting, or abroad. If the move is to a country where there is no known group of Friends, Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) should be consulted as to where the nearest Friends live so that contact may be made. If it is to an area where several yearly meetings overlap, FWCC may be able to advise on the most useful point of contact.