Chapter 7 » 7.03


The Britain Yearly Meeting Trustees shall furnish Yearly Meeting with annual reports on their work and the work of the central and other standing committees. They shall keep Meeting for Sufferings informed about their work by providing regular interim reports for information and consultation. The Britain Yearly Meeting Trustees and the central and other standing committees are reminded that they should consult with Meeting for Sufferings and have regard for its guidance in any of the following circumstances:

  1. when proposing to enter upon some major new field of service, or to give up some significant long-term project;
  2. when proposing to make some new pronouncement or envisaging a new relationship which involves some important question of principle for Britain Yearly Meeting;
  3. when considering major appeals or commitments;
  4. when it seems desirable to share with Friends the interpretation of some urgent need or of some unusually significant piece of service;
  5. when some concern impinges on the work of other committees or aspects of the yearly meeting’s wider work.
← 7.02 7.04 →