Chapter 13 » 13.19

Quaker recognised bodies

Quakers in Britain, both individually and as a yearly meeting, have long benefitted from the many formal and informal groups which allow and encourage Friends to develop concerns and interests arising from, and strengthening, their experience of Quaker faith. At different times in the past, some of these have been known as special interest groups, or listed informal groups. These, together with many other Quaker trusts and charities, are now known as Quaker recognised bodies.

A Quaker recognised body is an autonomous group through which concerned Friends may share a common interest, seek affirmation or carry out witness. The bodies are seen as arising from Quaker faith, and provide a way in which conviction and witness can be explored and developed outside our formal structures. Being independent, Quaker recognised bodies generally have no right of communication by minute with structures such as Meeting for Sufferings, central committees or Yearly Meeting Agenda Committee.

All groups or bodies using the name ‘Quaker’ or ‘Friends’ in their title are reminded of the responsibility to uphold our testimonies, and that care is needed in case the work or witness of the group is understood to be part of the yearly meeting’s corporate activity when it is not.

Details of the following may be obtained from the Recording Clerk: the criteria for and process of recognition, the benefits and responsibilities, and periodic review.

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